Finding inspiration with Balanced Bright Life


We are entering Thanksgiving week and I thought it would only be fitting to share this story with you leading up to Thanksgiving Day. Like a lot of people who will be saying this, this week, I am so thankful for the life I have, my family, friends, a home, job, food on the table, the simple things in life. Everything else I get to experience and do is icing on the cake and I owe it to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to be where I am.

But even with great things people can still go through ups and downs, I mean we are all human and we all have highs and lows in our life. This year has been about me closing a lot of chapters and opening new ones and one thing I’ve learned is that I want to surround myself and spend my time with people who bring out the best in me, encourage me and are a positive influence in my life.

Towards the end of the summer, (it may have been beginning of September) I reached out to Jessica from Balanced Bright Life, (BBL). BBL is all about “living your best life through nourishing foods, a positive mindset, and clean products.” I follow Jess on social media and decided to reach out because I wanted to feel the best I could before going on vacation. I also wanted to take some time to really focus on me and take care of my body, not only mentally but physically. We met up one morning to just talk about life, my daily habits, and what I was really looking for. Jess and I knew each other from previous work positions we held so it was nice to be able to connect with her on personal/social level and talk to her about BBL and not just professionally. I instantly just felt better after chatting with her.

We got together a few weeks later at Trader Joes and she literally walked through the whole store with me on a busy Saturday morning. We went through what I would normally buy for groceries and easy alternatives that weren’t drastically different than the normal diet I am used to. This was so important for me because I wanted to learn simple things to look for on food labels that I could pick up when she wasn’t there. She offered suggestions, answered so many of my questions and was very encouraging.


It was about a month in before I left for Bali and I must say I felt pretty damn good before I left, I had more energy, I was more focused and I just felt like I was in a better place. Reaching out to Jess was one of the best things I did. Sometimes its scary and awkward to reach out to someone you don’t really know and say hey can we get together and talk, can you help me, but it’s also one of the best things you can do for yourself. Reaching out to Jess reminded me that there are still good, caring people in this world. Jess inspires me to be a better version of myself each day, she also reminds me that it’s ok if you need to take a break or if its not your day, to start over tomorrow because we are all human and you don’t have to have it together every second of every day. I’m thankful for Jess helping me and for being an positive inspiration in my life and for that I wanted to share her story.

Learn more about Jess and BBL below:

How did/Why did Balanced Bright Life get started?

One day (about 1.5 years ago) I was sitting down, reflecting on my life. I had overcome depression, anxiety, and an unhealthy mindset. I never had taken the time to think about how far I've come. Then I started thinking- how can I help other women who might be in a sad/depressed/stressed out season of their life? What platform would be most effective? After a month or so I decided on the name, "Balanced Bright Life" because it embodies the balance I practice (grace over perfection), and the positive light I shed on all aspects of my life. That was the day I started my Instagram platform.

What is the best part of your work? What do you enjoy the most?

I love connecting with women. When I had 10 followers I remember thinking, "wow, this is so cool that 10 people actually clicked 'follow' and have given me their time." When women tag me in a post, or send me a message that I helped them get through a bad day, or motivated them to achieve a dream, that is the best feeling in the entire world. I enjoy seeing progress from my followers and making connections within my follower base. My good friend messaged me saying she followed a woman I tagged and now they're working on a collaboration for lanyards at a local school. Our community is so special- if I can introduce women to a new local product, service, business, a fellow boss babe, I am going to do it!


What is your favorite meal to make?

Hands-down my favorite meal is my ground turkey bowl. I use organic ground turkey from Trader Joe's and add filling sources of healthy fats! My fav way to make it is with an arugula base, the ground turkey for protein, dairy-free cheese, avocado and fresh salsa. My mouth is watering thinking about it.

What is your "go-to" cheat meal?

For me, I eat what I am craving in moderation. I think it's important for women not to look at food as a "cheat" meal because you aren't cheating yourself- you are listening to your body and savoring the food in front of you. That being said, chicken fingers. If you asked this question to my close family and friends, they would respond with this answer without hesitation. Something about a good chicken finger gets me. The Kids Chicken Finger meal at Sorrentino's in Williamsville is the best. Their blue cheese, the breading, it's so good.

What do you want your followers to get out of your work?

Good question! I want my followers to feel a sense of motivation, happiness, and positivity after they view my content. If I can make their day a little brighter (even for the 1 second they're scrolling) then I have made it. Life can be challenging, I'm here to remind them that hard things pass, they're beautiful and they've been put on this earth to do great things.


What do you love best about Buffalo?

The community and people hands-down. Buffalonians are so willing to help. Whether it's a kind stranger holding the door open for me, or a local business who wants to assist with my goals (shout-out to Mike at Fresh Catch) you can find good people everywhere.

Which do you like/prefer better:

- grocery or clothes shopping? Grocery hands-down. I love clothes, but my priorities have shifted.

- fruits or veggies? Veggies!

- red or white wine? Red. Dry red.

- spin or barre? Tough one- depends on how I am feeling. I do both throughout the week.

Favorite workout? Right now I am loving rhythm rides on my spin bike at Rebel Ride.

Favorite season? Spring. Seeing the earth awaken from the cold and snow, it's beautiful.

Favorite restaurant? That's a tough one- there are so many. I would say Left Bank. It's where my husband and I had our first date. You can't go wrong with a single thing on the menu and their drinks are wonderful. For a quick and easy meal, I order take-out from Rachel's Grill. It's fresh and I can choose options that fit my lifestyle. Win-win.

Where do you see BBL in 2 years/Where would you like to be with BBL in 2 years?

In 2 years I hope to keep inspiring, motivating, and encouraging women. My goal is to bring the brand to life outside of social media. I want to grow it into speaking engagements, helping Corporate offices introduce mindset practices to their employees, possibly a tangible item that women can use to help them live a #BBL life (a planner, journal, etc.). Rachel Hollis inspires me daily and is an example of bringing women together to do great things. I want that. I want to help women (first on a local level) to realize their potential and to live a beautiful life. I have a gut feeling that I'm going to take this brand far.


Follow Jess on Instagram @BalancedBrightLife