This past weekend I set sail and headed up the 90 to Albany to visit my friend Shanna. On Saturday we took the train from Poughkeepsie and headed to the big Apple to visit our friend Lacey. Let's just say the 3 of us combined = A LOT of BUFFALOVE!! Are trip consisted of not shopping, but instead, enjoying each others company, our friendship and having some beers and seeing the Holiday sights and sounds.
We landed in Grand Central Station and our first stop was the Buffalo Bills Bar, McFaddens. After that we went on the subway and headed to Brooklyn to have some beers at Brooklyn Brewery {what an awesome place!}. We played Uno, had some laughs and then headed to Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas Tree! Something I've never done before. It was crazy how many {more!} people were there, but it was so pretty! Afterwards we walked around Times Square, stopped at Mercury Bar to have dinner and then headed back to Grand Central to end our day.
It was a nice day trip in the city, with some of the bestest friends I have. I can't wait until the next time!

{Lacey and I at Brooklyn Brewery}

{Shanna and I hanging out at the brewery!}


{Model and Pep}

{Just a blonde in Buffalo in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree}