"Rock Your Fear" with Lindsay Amico

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Real Talk: You may have heard me talk or share on my social media from time to time that I am an anxious person and over the last few years my anxiety can go from 0-60 in a blink of an eye. The worrying, stressing out, etc. that happens sometimes gets to be too much and can really change my mood when I try not to let it.

When talking with a friend of mine she recommended I meet Lindsay. Lindsay Amico is a certified health coach and the owner of Picture Perfect Mind. Lindsay helps you address and control your anxiousness and fear in a positive approach.

Let’s continue to be real for a moment - anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (Anxiety & Depression Association of America) . And lately when I talk openly about my anxiety I feel like others can relate. On another hand let’s talk about fear. How many times have you let fear take control of your life, instead of embracing the fear, you run from it and regret doing that. It’s a common theme in many peoples lives nowadays.

So what does Lindsay do? well it should be more what doesn’t she do! Lindsay studied political science and environmental studies at Northeastern University in Boston, and was sticking with the “traditional norms” that people think they need to do. She came back to Buffalo and being interested in social and environmental justice was a part of the clean air coalition (interning and then sitting on their board). Following that she began working at Roswell Park.

From a young age Lindsay has dealt with anxiety and she has learned to use tools from inside herself to control her life. Let’s be real “thoughts create your reality” and after reading Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret” (a book that is based on the belief of the law of attraction, which claims that thoughts can change a person's life directly), this past summer Lindsay decided to follow her dream and continue to pursue making a difference and began Picture Perfect Mind.

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What steps helped Lindsay decide to begin Picture Perfect Mind?

  1. Lindsay’s mindset - rocking her fear. Identifying things that happen in your life and the things that held you back and choosing to love over fear. Stepping into that spiritual component.

  2. Training with Gabby Bernstein (May Cause Miracles)

  3. Having practical tools to use for mindset

  4. Deciding to step into a business full time when it lines up at the right time for you

  5. Lastly knowing there is nothing wrong with you if you have fear. Its having awareness and acceptance to fear and anxiousness, being present with this feeling instead of fighting it and embracing and owning your fear to take steps forward.

What inspires Lindsay?

Knowing that she is not meant to stay small or stagnant. And knowing she has a divine purpose to serve others in this life and having the opportunity to do that. Serving other women.

The best advice she gives?

If fear is guaranteed in life, then ask yourself the question, do you want to take action toward something? Inspired action in spite of fear is up to you!! Harness fear as your power

Best advice Lindsay has received?

“CELEBRATE YOURSELF” - Gabby Bernstein

Cherish yourself and celebrate your wins. As a society we fixate on things we haven’t done instead of the things we have accomplished. It can be something small and simple everyday, but celebrate those accomplishments no matter how big or small they are.

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So if you are someone who deals with anxiety or fear or both you may ask yourself this question, what are some steps I can take to feel better. Here is Lindsay’s take away’s:

  1. You are not alone. We ALL feel it - anxious, fear, isolated

  2. Recognize the fear and chose it, chose it in a positive thought. Look forward to something.

  3. Take the necessary steps at one time

  4. Take deep breaths

  5. Bring compassion to yourself and know there are people you can reach out to

What are some of Lindsay’s goals in 2020?

  1. Expressing herself authentically. Connecting to the joy of creativity

  2. Connecting with a community of women that can lift herself up as she lifts them

  3. Celebrating herself

  4. Developing a deep faith and patience as she works on growing her business

  5. Not defining instant results as a success

  6. Knowing her own worth

  7. Being kind to her body

  8. Creating a course (diving into all your stuff)

What does Lindsay love about Buffalo?

That everyone cares about one another and that Buffalo is evolving and growing constantly - always something new to do.

What can Lindsay do for you? Attend her workshop at Raw Renewal on February 6th, 2020. “Rewrite Your Fear Story”

Lindsay also does one-on-one coaching work with individuals and has business services available as well. Follow her on Instagram ( @pictureperfectmind ) and Facebook

Fun Facts About Lindsay:

Coffee or Tea? Coffee

Wine or Cocktail? Cocktail - Tito’s Soda and Lime

Favorite Restaurant? Nye Park Tavern - AMAZING food (especially there truffle fries)

At the end of the day you only have one life, don’t waste it on letting fear consume you, instead embrace it, listen to your intuition and love yourself for who you are.

Thank you Lindsay for being the boss babe that you are and inspiring me.
